Rev. Dr. Ronald E. A Blake

In addition to his pastoral duties, Rev. Dr. Ronald E.A. Blake specializes in the field of extension education that is concerned with the transfer of knowledge and the adoption of new ideas and practices. Over the past 45 years he has laboured to identify and correct factors that may account for any misfit between the instruction that the learner receives in academics or religion, and the learner’s loyalty to that instruction in actual practice.

The present work, The Book of Revelation: Helping You to Understand It clarifies interpretational issues that may cause confusion to the reader.

Dr. Ronald E. A. Blake holds a first-class Bachelor of Arts Honours degree with a major in sociology/anthropology and a minor in political science, as well as a distinguished Master of Science degree in extension education from the University of Guelph, Canada. He also holds a Doctorate in Religious Studies from the Friends International Christian University, and Levels A, B, C in Biblical Hebrew with a final mark of 97 percent from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He received his ordination credentials from The Open-Door Evangelistic Church, Ontario, Canada.

He is the author of two highly acclaimed Christian publications: Ruler in the Kingdom of Men (1991) and The Testimony of the Greater Witness (2000). His unpublished dissertation regarded as a major work is: Deriving the Identity of Jesus Through a Socio-Scientific Inquiry into His Works.

He is the founding pastor of Dialogue of Faith Church of Canada established in the year 2005, and the 42-year-old Higher Marks Educational Institute Inc. one of Canada’s most respected institutes of educational intervention. He is the recipient of several awards of excellence in the field of education including: The Government of Ontario Certificate, the Jamaica Government 50th independence celebration for educational achievements in the diaspora, The Harry Jerome Award, and The Canadian Association of Black Educators (CABE) award. He is currently the online pastor of Dialogue of Faith Church of Canada.

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